Sunday, June 20, 2010

Interview between Katie Couric and Howard Schultz

Katie Couric, who started the interview with Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks, by asking him that "Why can't he say small, medium and large like normal people?" Howard Schultz, who ordered the coffee in different away because he would like to give us an idea about how talented his employees are. Also he said that “*70,000 different ways that our customers can order a Starbucks coffee” he believes that a Starbucks coffee can be ordered in any accent or by several names, there is no hard work for customers.
Howard Schultz said that he didn’t know that economy will drop so badly. Howard Schultz said that if they had a little bit information on the subject of the economy subsequently they would have prepared something in a different way. So Howard Schultz, who tried to said that he didn’t know that the economy will hurt his business besides others business.
On the subject of the recession, he said that his company had no plans. After reading the entire article, I didn’t cover any comments about price drops of the coffee. In my opinion, company should reduce their coffee prices because companies like Dunkin Donuts provide a tough competition for Starbucks. The company had to lower the prices of their coffee in order to make their store successful and economically attractive to the customers. I believe that Starbucks should lower their price rather than lay off their employees; they could also pay them less. By closing many stores and downsizing their business, they resolved the problem.
Nowadays, Starbucks tries to attract their customers by giving discounted gift cards. Howard Schultz said that he might have new machines installed into his stores so the employees would work quicker. I believe that one of the causes of economic collapse lies in the fact that every single business had bad time making profit. It's not a problem of Starbucks, but rather of every single business. If the economy becomes strong again, businesses will profit again.

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